Cyber Hunter 0.100.130 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

Cyber Hunter 0.100.130 Apk + Mod + Data for Android

Cyber Hunter Android thumb
  • Current Version: 0.100.130
  • File size: 62 MB + 1.15 GB

Cyber Hunter 0.100.130 Apk + Mod + Data for Android


Cyber Hunter
An Open Letter to All Wanderers 

Dear Wanderer, 


We are the Cyber Hunter advancement group. Above all else, it would be ideal if you enable us to present our amusement. 

Cyber Hunter is a people to come, aggressive sandbox versatile diversion. It's pressed with a large group of various components, including survival, shooting, investigation, abilities and substantially more, notwithstanding including parkour! To put it plainly, it's a fresh out of the box new gaming background. The amusement recounts to the narrative of our future, after mind PC interfacing innovation has turned out to be exceptionally best in class and human development has encountered another transformative jump, amid which, incredible situations have started to develop. Equity goes head to head against malice. The old stands against the new. What's more, powers of conservatism conflict with radicalism. 

In this virtual world, all our saints and champions have procured a "super power" through the assistance of quantum droids – the capacity to transform quantum 3D square vitality into any strategic help gadget they need. From Optical Camouflage to Quantum Barriers, from an identifier that alarms you of moving toward foes, to a medicinal instrument that mends squad mates; everything without exception can be worked, by you, and that is not all. You can pick whatever aptitudes you think will help your procedure the most in any fight. 

We've even made a vertical battle idea. With parkour highlights including ascending, coasting, and moving, players can encounter vertical fights on an assortment of landscape, including mountains, marshes and deserts. In this diversion, the field that has your fights are an immense, level guide, yet an existence where you can fly in the sky and move underground. We have additionally made various investigation focuses dispersed all through the world. Here, you can investigate sanctuaries in the desert with an opportunity of discovering E-Cores to open new abilities and weapons. In the midst of hills of decimated robots, you can likewise discover gloves that extraordinarily increment your climbing speed. 

We trust that Cyber Hunter can present to you another approach to appreciate gaming and that you'll cherish partaking in the sandbox rivalries it offers. The diversion still has space to improve, notwithstanding, on the off chance that you experience overheating, lulls, periodic rebooting or updates to your gadget amid the amusement, we might want to apologize ahead of time and request your comprehension. 

We can promise you that this rendition does not speak to the last nature of the amusement, yet just the start of something considerably progressively fun. Your significant proposals and assessments will be the main impetus for the nonstop improvement of Cyber Hunter, and your energy and enthusiasm will be the inspiration driving our proceeded with endeavors. 

At last, we might want to offer our thanks to you for downloading and supporting our amusement. Much thanks to you! 


— Vivid characters with verisimilar countenances – 

With cutting edge face molding workmanship and over a hundred restorative structures, unmistakable and striking legends can be made 

— Special abilities and strategies – 

A lot of strategic aptitudes, for example, optical cover, quantum obstructions, imperceptible power fields, fire support. You can plan your own strategic framework 

— Take to the skies to scan for what you need. Become a parkour master and thump your foes out in style – 

Skim in the sky, jump into a remote ocean, climb and move, there are heaps of parkour moves accessible to use amid quick paced free battle. 

— Explore and battle in a sandbox world – 

Off-road is available to investigate uninhibitedly, including 100-meter-high water falls, desert sanctuaries, and swampy relics. You'll discover loads of weapons in this world. 


[New Season Preview] 

Cyber Hunter Season 2 – Count Zero will authoritatively dispatch at 5:00am on April 29 (server time). 

[Global Event Preview] 

The Cyber Hunter Global Version will be discharged in late April. 

The Global Version's "Cyber Coming" occasion will have a tremendous add up to offer. The occasion will be held between April 26 and May 28 (server time).


  1. “APK” install it on your device.
  2. com.netease.lztgglobal” folder “android / obb” copy into.
  3. Enter the game.

Cyber Hunter Apk

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Cyber Hunter 0.100.130 Apk + Mod + Data for Android Cyber Hunter 0.100.130 Apk + Mod + Data for Android Reviewed by Rahul Tomar on 03:05 Rating: 5

1 comment:

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